So, here I am.
Unfortunately, I'm still stealth knitting so no knitting progress pictures. I'm making a few things for people who might dip into this blog and don't want to spoil the surprise (or indeed increase their anxiety level over what the heck I'm going to make them wear now).
For various reasons (mostly timing of delivery of books, patterns, yarn, needles and buttons) I'm working concurrently on about 6 projects at the moment meaning I've become a multiple Work in Progress-er (WIPer).
And I have one question.
How do you multi-WIP-ers ever finish anything? I swear, I'm knitting, but nothing's getting finished. I work on one project a bit and then another and then another, and each moves forward....but .... sigh.
I'm just not cut out for this knitting around. I'm a one project kind of gal.
(I should confess that the lack of progress could also be related to the fact that I had completed half a stealth project when I realised the gauge was off. Way off. And sadly, it's a project where gauge matters. Back to the drawing board.)
Errrr - that's all I got.
(The pictures are of a couple of recent purchases. The bag is a lovely Offhand Design knitting bag that I bought from Purlescence. I love it. It gets loads of compliments, and I use it as a handbag even when I don't want to take any knitting along. The Noro is sock yarn. It feels a bit rough, but I've read that it softens up after the first washing. I sure hope so, or someone's feet are going to be very very unhappy.)