I know it's bad form to be whinging again already but I am bored as a very bored thing with stitching together the 126 (ish) squares that I've crocheted so far for the Babette Blanket. (small sample pictured here)
I finished making the squares on Monday and since then I've been blocking and stitching the squares.... and I've got about 36 to do before I'm done....
And worse still I know that I have to do it all again! The pattern as written creates a 40 x 43 inch throw and I want something more substantial -- so when I've (finally) finished sewing these squares together it is back to the hook for the second half.
For the second half I have decided the Babette will be a secondary project to be worked while watching tv. I will also try to block and sew the squares together as I go along because I don't think I could face another 3 - 4 day sewing session.
I have a love/hate thing with the blanket so far. Sometimes the quirky colours amuse me and other times I think it's an uncoordinated mass of garish colour. I think both are valid viewpoints!
A few of you asked what yarn I'm using. Well, 15 of the colours are Indigo Moon Vancouver Series sock yarn, and 2 of the colours are Dream in Colour Smooshy yarn. I really love both, the colours are fab (regardless of what you think of them combined, individually they sparkle) and the yarn is great to work with and oh so soft when washed. And conveniently, both are superwash so perfect for a blanket.
Apart from the blanket I really need to find a pattern to get my teeth into. I've got another crochet project lined up but I'm waiting on the yarn for that. (Crochet projects are like buses, you wait forever for one and then....)
I've ordered a couple of lace shawl patterns that look interesting - but they haven't arrived yet.
I joined a 'Year of Lace' club from a yarn shop in Calgary -- but I just found out that isn't shipping until the END of March (rather than the beginning as I'd assumed). (You may well wonder why with my ever increasing glut of laceweight I'd feel the need to join a lace club.)(I think it's because the shop is in Calgary and I lived there briefly.)(And it is yarn.)
So, all of the babbling to say I'm feeling the need to be inspired. There are lots of projects I want to do - but none are singing to me right now. Oh well, I'll know the project when I find it.
Until then I'll be sewing.....